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Yes: Roar Rampage Now Playable

Remember Roar Rampage? You know, the dino demolition masterpiece John spotted a few weeks ago? Well, you can play it now. I just hopped in the ring and put in a few rounds of space-lizard-vs-an-entire-city boxing action myself, and was surprised to discover a subtly nuanced, brain-bendingly strategic experience. OK, I'm lying. But I was able to block bullets and missiles with my XXXXXXXXL boxing gloves, so it's a bit more than physics-based structure uppercutting (structurecutting?) - but thankfully, not much. Sometimes, all I want out of my games is to punch helicopters into other helicopters. Roar Rampage approached me - a look of oddly stern determination plastered across its face and elbow pads fitted just so - and granted that innermost of wishes. Then it patted me on the back, said everything was going to be OK, and lumbered off into the sunset. Then it punched the sunset - right in its big, dumb face.

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