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You May Play: Transistor's Out Next Month

Rightly angled

Transistor, Supergiant's second game and follow-up to the chatty Cathy that was Bastion, is almost upon us. I don't mean that in a stalkery murderous way, but in a release datey way. The strategic sci-fi RPG has already tickled Nathan to the point of hyperventilation, and the rest of us can join in the wheezing and gasping on May 20th. Can someone get Nathan a paper bag?

You can see why. The game has a silent protagonist with a sidekick who is basically a sword, and though I think the voice of the sword should be sharper and more metallic--because that's what swords would definitely sound like--there was more to Bastion than the narration and there's more to this than a talking sword. It's a terrifying and delicate game of strategic positioning and intelligent assaulting. As Nathan so wonderfully puts it: "It’s kind of like pulling a trigger, and she’s a human headshot."

It'll be $19.99 in North America, and €18.99/£14.99 in Europe. No new footage to support this exciting announcement, so let's all remember that time they released 15 mins in 2013. It'll be like this, but even nicererer.

And this, but a bit less consoley.

And there's some new screens at least.

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