You Must Have Been A Wing Commander
Wing Commander is 20, apparently. Mythic's Paul Barnett has a plan: "My plan is Wing Commander 1, DRM free and security bypassed. For FREE." he says on his twitter. The noble tech guys actually have a Security-cleaned DOS-Box-running version of the game running. What's the problem? "Today we get data compare sign off for Wing Commander, Dr Ray will be hearing the pitch, from there only legal can stop us!" he says. And reading between the lines, it seems that EA Legal may be the sticking point. As he says to Jeff Gerstmann of Giant Bomb: "You need to get your faithful to Re-tweet it, to shame EA legal into letting me do it !" I think the public shaming of a Legal department is the sort of thing RPS can get on side with. Shame! Shame! And - er - a firm manly handshake if you work out a way to make it happen, obv.