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Total Fight: Macedon vs Rome In Rome II

The Creative Assembly have released another big gameplay 'n' chat video for Rome II, in which CA's own Al Bickham takes on Rome as the Macedonians, while playing on "very hard" difficult. Bickham is a guy who modifies and paints Games Workshop miniatures at a pro level, so his grasp of a paintbrush is not to be sniffed at. But does that also extend to strategy and tactics? CA explain: "We're playing from the defender's viewpoint, so it's very much a case of "Come at me, bro!" as the enemy assaults his position. See how they employ their abilities and hardened military tactics to wear down our very own hero's forces, with a sprinkle of cunning thrown in for free."

Speaking of things thrown in for free, Rome II purchasers will get access to Arena, the F2P battle thing announced in March: "Including advanced beta access, exclusive in-game Legion Armoury bonuses and approximately $15(USD) of in-game currency..., ROME II players automatically earn ‘Legion’ status and will be able to experience the massed battle MMO before the game opens up to all."

Latinate megabiff!

Whatever the dreary failures in the AI that might put people off this, I can't wait to get stuck in. I realise I am a Total War apologist, but I make no apology for that.

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