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A Competition To Win Global Agenda Codes?

UPDATE: Sorry, I forgot to close this. Consider it closed! Keys going out now.

Oh, what's this then? I've got a few Steam codes for Global Agenda. They've arrived to celebrate and/or promote the retail launch of the game in the UK. Give them away, you say? To you guys? Well, I suppose I could. Oh, what the hell. Send an email over to this address (and keep the tagline "Globaliser, Globaliser" on there) with a reason why I should give you the code. Best reasons win codes. I'll edit this post when they're all gone.

I rather enjoyed my time with the colourful sci-fi shooter, although the big strategic game never managed to drag me in. It's also changed a fair bit since launch, culling the subscription and introducing some open world bits. The most recent trailer for that open world bit is below.

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