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A Long Title: The Weird Story of Waldemar the Warlock

Inspirational alliteration

Well, well, well. What we have here is a wonderfully wicked point and click - The Weird Story of Waldemar the Warlock would like to welcome the contents of your wallet, asking £40,000 via wonted means. While the video is weak, as you will see below, it warranted further investigation and the game footage that was shown woke a curiosity in me for what the developers will do. Come in my wake past the wall and wow at the wonders within.

With this, their first work, devs En Complot won't wish for your cash without reason wearing a demo on their sleeves welded from finest humour. I played it, which went swimmingly, the game wielding writing as a sword to cut through boredom with whimsy, wit and wisecracks aplenty. The winks to the camera are well-timed, waiting perfectly before wheeling out yet more funnies. It's wily with it's horror too, allowing it to creep into but one word or so without overshadowing the whole. It's won me over, even with the wrinkles and warts of early development, dodgy walkcycles and all. Why not try?

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