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A More Biggererer Look At Scale

"Biggererer" is so a word!

I'm going to go all hipster and say how I knew about Scale before it was cool, but I'm only doing that so you know how long I've been waiting for Steve Swink's brilliant looking puzzler about resizing things. I'd say it's been about a year, so I'm really glad the Kickstarter is here and doing really well. So well, in fact, that Swink has excitedly uploaded a new video of the game to thank everyone for their contributions, and after watching it I came up with three reasons to post it below. Reason number two is that at 6m16s in he does the best impression of an object going "boing-ooing-oing" I've ever heard. Reasons numbers one and three are below, along with the video.

Reason one is the most important: this video has been made to reflect the state of the Kickstarter, which means Swink's game is already at a good place. It's not a pitch relying on sticky-tape, concept art, and promises to hold it together. It's playable and it's editable.

Reason number two is the house trick he shows off at the end of the game. I'm not going to spoil it, but it shows that some of the concepts in the pitch video weren't just there to make it look swanky.

I've heard tell on the RPS grapevine of an upcoming interview with Sir Swink.

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