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A Quake III Thing

This isn't really news, or really even worth me posting, but I share it nonetheless. On a whim I just booted up Quake III and jumped on a public server. I used to play every night, for hours, but I'd not looked at it in a long, long time. As it happened there was a 3v3 CTF match going, so I joined in. Within moments someone I'd played with regularly, over four years ago, joined the server too.

I was astounded that I recognised his handle after all this time. Even more so that he also recognised me. After a few minutes of silent play a conversation started up. It went something like this:

bloke: Do I know you?
me: Possibly, I ran [this clan].
bloke: It is you! Do you remember my clan? [still had his tag]
me: Yes, vaguely. I've not played Quake on a public server in over four years.
bloke: I haven't played for three, no *four* years.
me: Blimey, how weird.
bloke: Is Quake III still going?
me: I have no idea.

I guess it's time to find out.

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