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A Stand Up Fight: Interstellar Marines

Hmm. Interstellar Marines is an indie-developed high-sheen FPS which is... well, I'm intrigued for a load of reasons. Partially because it looks novel (Talking about trying to do a realistic first-contact alien event) and partially because of its route to market. The short version - for more read the press coverage - is that in 2006 they used a high-end game engine to do a demo, which got attention, they turn away from major publishers in favour of indie-dev... which makes the engine too expensive, so they're moving over to another one. Which they can't show in game footage publicly. Yet. It's also got an interesting development philosophy - interesting in that it manages to be both self-deprecating (in its insistence on the import of the community and attention) and self-aggrandizing (not least in calling it "AAA Indie". As in, if they're AAA indie, what are everyone else?). Do read. Those videos they can show are below...

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They're planning on a Beta later in the year. More later, I suspect, one way or another.

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