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Admission Quest: Valve Greenlights 50 More Games

Depression Quest! Tangiers! Whale drilling (but not like that)!

Every day, approximately 43 billion new indie games spring into existence from mysterious ethers far outside the realm of human comprehension. We approach these portals into The Beyond with great apprehension, then we scuttle away with our bounty, arms and hearts full of excitement and terror. We call this process "game development," and it will probably bring about the end of the world. Until then, though, someone needs to curate these things, so Valve blasts new finds with its organizational death laser, Steam Greenlight. Yep, that's exactly how it all works and this is not just me filling space because I've written far too many Greenlight posts at all. Anyway, standouts: powerful Twine darling Depression Quest, surrealist Thief usurper Tangiers, and sidescrolling epic Treasure Adventure World.

So there you go: 50 games. And hey, Windforge made it. That's the one about mining sky whales because... yeah! Which games of this batch catch your eye?

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