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Afraid Of The Light? Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs Trailer

It's been too long since we saw some moving pictures of the Amnesia sequel, A Machine For Pigs, this time developed by the Dear Esther team, thechineseroom. But we need wait no longer, as the fast approach of All Saints Day means spooky footage is of the highest order, and you can see the new trailer below. It's a bit scary.

The secret behind Frictional's games (and they're playing producer role here, to ensure all is good and proper) is to make you as, well, you - a person who isn't superhuman, and gets a bit scared when really, really scary things are happening. And as the trailer shows, the best place to be in such a time is hiding in a hole with the lights off. RARGGLGLGEFLURGLE!

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It's weird, cos I figured a machine for pigs would be some sort of giant meat grinder for mincing up humans. Because they want to eat us. Look in their eyes. They want to eat us all.

Rather strangely, the developers are also after your screams. They've asked for WAVs, OGGs or MP3s of people's most frightening bloodcurdlers to be emailed to Which is just plain weird, and I fear for the poor bastard whose job it will be to listen to that racket. The idea being they'll put the best (worst?) of them in their game. Royalty free sound effects!

There's still no fixed release date, beyond its previous slip into "early 2013".

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