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Air Buccaneers HD Mystery, Classic Server Up

We've received a mysterious link from Ludocraft, who are currently making a "HD" version of one of RPS' favourite mods, the bizarre airship combat game, Air Buccaneers. It's a link to this image, which is inscribed with words - possibly Finnish? (my understandening of anything outside basic English is deplorable) - which apparently contain some clue to what will be contained in the remake. Ludocraft describe it as "a small bit of info on one quite interesting and unique new "thing" we'll be adding to the game."

Meanwhile the Ludocraft team have put up a server of the original mod. They explain: "It can be found in the Unreal Tournament 2004 server browser under name “LudoCraft’s AirBuccaneers 1.6 Server” or via direct IP:" Details for the mod itself are here, and obviously you'll need UT2004. Anyone for a game tonight? 8pm UK time?

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