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Alan's Wake: Remedy Ditch PC Version

No. Noooo. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. No. No. No. "Some games are more suited for the intimacy of the PC, and others are best played from the couch in front of a larger TV screen. We ultimately realised that the most compelling way to experience “Alan Wake” was on the Xbox 360 platform, so we focused on making it an Xbox 360 exclusive. Both Microsoft and Remedy have long histories in PC game development. This decision was about matching this specific game to the right platform.” Sez nasty Mister Microsoft. Nooooooooooo. There's a trailer beneath the cut, if you wish to mourn for what might have been.

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I'm going to console (hah!) myself with the entirely baseless assumption that it's only going to be a string of glorified quick-time events.

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