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All Aspect Warfare Beta Keys Giveaway

Update - enough names have come forward now. Don't send any more. Keys will be sent out to those who made it early next week. Thanks, sweethearts!

Following on from our All Aspect Warfare interview, Derek Smart offered a mass of keys for the ongoing All Aspect Warfare Beta for RPS readers. Now, after the subscribers got first dibs, we take it to you, the general RPS-readership. Just drop me a line and say you'd like one. First come, first served, until we run out. Don't alter the subject line of the mail, or you'll disqualify yourself by annoying me. Oh - and expect the keys to be mailed to you on Sunday/Monday as I'm currently off in Poland and set this to automatically post while I'm away. For a taste, here's a couple of older videos of the game in action, focused in on the flight segment of this multi-approach game.

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Oh - and, please, be polite in the comments thread. It's nice.

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