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"All Human-on-Human Tragedy has a System"

I finally got around to watching Brenda Brathwaite's GDC 2010 presentation after Splash Damage's Ed Stern twittered about it yesterday saying "it remains the most moving and exciting thing about games I've ever seen". And I just lost a whole hour to her "How I dumped Electricity And Learned to Love Design" on a day I could scant afford to do so. It's a few months old, but it's brilliant stuff and - hey! - it's a Saturday. It's a talk about pure design and all the issues surrounding her re-embracing of analogue game design and the much-talked about Train. I will say no more, lest I spoil. Go watch.

EDIT: Sigh. Our mighty gaze appears to be causing sporadic weakness in the GDC vault. If it doesn't work for you, do try later.

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