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And Then There Were Physics: Twin Sector

With Portal being so successful I had rather expected there to be a load of first-person puzzlers to come along in its wake. We've had few glimpses of its influence here and there, but I do wonder whether Twin Sector is the next game that could truly be seen as a first-person puzzler in the style of Valve's comedy space-bender. Set inside a cryogenic containment facility where things have gone rather wrong, Twin Sector tasks you with using the power of physics to enable your female protagonist to fix a wonky reactor. You will, naturally, need to figure out what else is down there in the techno-tombs with you, and why it wishes to foil your efforts. Happily the guiding voice of a helpful AI is there to help you jump through the hoops.

Assuming independent German devs Headup can pull off the physics puzzles satisfactorily, this could be a great game, as well as a splendid tech-demo for the Havok physics systems on which it is based. Twin Sector is reportedly out next month, and the trailer is entombed below.

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