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Victorian underworld overlord game Antihero released


Crime doesn't pay, we all know, but paying for crime is fine. If a jot of thievery tickles your fancy, have a peek at Antihero [official site], a turn-based strategy game about building up a thieves' guild and undermining your opposition to rob a Victorian city blind. Recruit, bribe, blackmail, assassinate, and steal, steal, steal. Antihero is now out and looks a little something like this:

Watch on YouTube

You're competing with fellow crimebosses to fleece a city, see, sending out units to help you and undermine the other. Deployable villains range from urchins and truant officers to master thieves and assassins, each exploiting one resource or countering another unit. I've not had a crack myself but it looks a promising game of crime.

Along with a singleplayer campaign, Antihero has AI skirmishes, and casual and ranked multiplayer. Neatly, it also supports asynchronous multiplayer, meaning players can take a turn when they please, dragging games out across ages rather than cramming them into live matches. It's nice to have a game on the side.

Antihero is £10.79/13,49€/$13.49 on Steam and GOG, which includes a small launch week discount. It's made by Tim Conkling and published by Versus Evil.

Say, gang, did you play during its 'First Access' days on Itch over the past year-ish? What's it like?

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