Apex Legends suspended its latest event due to a game-breaking bug
Those pesky Dummies managed to crash entire servers
Last night, Respawn pulled out a little surprise for Apex Legends fans, dropping a new version of the Grand Soirée event we first saw back in January. It kicked off with the old favourite limited-time game mode, Dummie's Big Day, which has players become a training Dummie, rather than a Legend, with all sorts of weird abilities to try.
Unfortunately, just a few hours after the event began, the devs had to turn it right back off again, because it brought a bug that managed to crash entire servers.
It all started at 6pm BST, when the Apex Legends Twitter announced the September Soirée. Running between now and October 5th, the event will be bringing a different LTM each week, starting with Dummie's Big Day.
Alas, the Dummies did not get the first Big Day they were promised, because a few hours later, another tweet emerged with some bad news:
Turns out if players were AFK on the Dummie selection screen, it could cause the game server to crash. Not the best way to start a party.
At the time of writing, Respawn haven't yet provided an update on what's happening with the fix. Hopefully it'll be sorted soon - it'd be a shame to miss out on that mode, it really is good fun.
If you missed the Grand Soirée the first time around, it was a two-week long event that introduced seven new LTM game modes which rotated out every few days. Seems we're getting a similar sort of thing this month, though we don't know yet which of these modes will be making a comeback (aside from the Dummies, of course).
Here's the old trailer to give you an idea of what to expect with the September Soirée. I hope they bring back the one where the zone is constantly closing in.