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Applications for Round 3 of RPS's work experience programme for ethnic minorities are now open!

Horace beckons

As 2021 powers on, it's hard to believe we're already halfway through the year, and harder to believe we're halfway done with our very first work experience programme. Round 1 has been and gone, Round 2 applications are closed, but now we're looing for a third work experiencer to come and join us for two weeks between October and November.

This programme is open exclusively to applicants from ethnic minorities who live in the UK, and applications are now open. Read on to find out if you're eligible - we'd love for you to join us!

It's worth noting that if you applied for our second round of applications, you'll be contacted soon with feedback. And if you were unsuccessful, you're more than welcome to apply again for Round 3.

So, to put in an application, all you need to do is fire an email to with a CV, cover letter, and some writing samples attached. You don't need previous experience, but we'd like to read some things you've written to make sure that you actually like writing. This could be blog posts, essays, or even creative writing - just something to show you have a passion for the sort of work you're applying to do.

Wondering if you're eligible? Here's what you need to know:

Who can apply?

Folks who like PC games, are aged 18 years or over, and are from an ethinic minority background. You need to be UK-based too, but you don't have to be in full or part-time education.

Is it paid?

Absolutely. You'll earn £100 a day, which is the same rate we pay our freelance writers for their shifts.

Can I work remotely?

Of course! You're welcome to visit the Brighton office if you'd like (as long as it's safe to do so), but we don't expect you to travel there. Fact is, not many of us are actually working in the office right now, so you might get a bit lonely.

What will I actually be doing?

Games journalism! For two weeks, you'll shadow our writers to see what we get up on a normal work day. You'll have a chance to write news, reviews and features for us, as well as have one-to-ones with staff if there's a particular area you're interested in learning more about. If you're still curious about what sort of writing we'd like you to do, check out some of the work the lovely Yaseen Ahmad did for us during his work experience at RPS.

You have until August 31st to apply for Round 3, and if you're successful we'll organise dates between October and November for you to join us that work around any existing commitments you might have. If those months don't work for you, bear in mind we still have one more round of work experience to offer after this one too.

To find out more about our work experience programme and peek at the dates for Round 4, have a look at our original post.

And if you've read through all this and are a little worried about applying, just go for it. We've all been there, but know that we'd love to have you, and you have nothing to lose from sending us an email.

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