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Arma II: OA Event Tomorrow. Or Not.

UPDATE TWO: Oh dear. Problems with the server for this means we're going to have to postpone. Again. I know, apologies! I'm going to have to get RPS its own games box for these kinds of eventualities! Sorry about this. We will get our Arma 2 game soon. More details later.

UPDATE: Apologies for lack of information! I'm having some last minute problems with the server for this. If you have a private OA server, now would be a good time to speak up. More information soon!

Just a quick reminder for folks who won copies of A2OA in our recent competition that we have having a little multiplayer event tomorrow from 2pm BST. I will be editing the server details into this post a bit closer to that time, so come here for organisational whatnots.

Also! If you are an A2OA owner and want to come along, there will likely be additional spaces to play with us later on, and we'll probably open it up on the Steam Group once the winning posse are all connected. Needless to say, everyone should get the latest patch, and places for non-winners can't be guaranteed.

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