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Back To TOCA: GRID Autosport Announced

Back to the tarmac roots

I liked GRID 2 quite a lot but I'm some kind of racing simulation heathen who has no qualms incorporating a little bump and grind into the art of the automobile. Codemasters manage to avoid the phrase 'going back to our roots' when describing the newly announced follow-up, GRID Autosport, but a lengthy and informative blogpost suggests that's exactly what they aim to do.

On release of GRID 2, I think it’s fair to say that through listening to you guys and a after a substantial amount of reflection, we hadn’t quite achieved everything we set out to do...we’re not above admitting that we made a few decisions that perhaps we shouldn’t have, and perhaps moved some of the aspects of the game too far away from our core fanbase.

What does it all mean? A flashy teaser, an enticingly close June 27th release date and a pile of information to wrap your head around.

Phew. There'll still be cars then.

GRID: Autosport aims to move the series back in line as a more authentic racing game. Set to include a more authentic handling model (more Sim than Race Driver: GRID), five distinct disciplines; Touring, Endurance, Open Wheel, Tuner and Street. Race at 22 locations (primarily circuit based) with a combined route list that totals over 100.

The full post contains lots of details, including details on handling, racing disciplines and a potentially impressive career mode. After several pages of text, it ends with these words.

TL:DR – Yes, we have an in-car view, two in fact.

Well played, Codies, well played indeed.

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