Barks & Bytes: Eight Minutes Of Sleeping Dogs
The reboot of the cancelled True Crime: Hong Kong, Sleeping Dogs, has trailers coming every whichway, one featuring MMA fighters staring at the game, and another slightly more usefully showing eight minutes of its being played, of a level called Mrs Chu's Revenge. You can see both below.
Here's that big chunk of game.
It's strange, seeing how well it's been directed, to have characters that look like they're made out of clay. (Also, I especially love after a pretty dull conversation of game cliches over the phone at around 1:25, a bystander loudly yawns.)
"Aggressive Cover" sounds really promising. Rather than constantly cowering, it's a game that encourages you to just attack attack attack. I also like the idea of weapons being so disposable, with the emphasis on the more interesting hand-to-hand combat, rather than yet another car-chase-shoot-out GTA-athon. (Although, let's be honest, it does look an awful lot like GTA.)
And then there's MMA nonsense. Check out the size of this guy's cup.
What an improbably attractive development team. It's a shame that George was only "almost wanted to take the controls."
Oh, and here's some voice cast: