Batman: Arkham Knight BatDLC Batdelayed, Batobvs
More apologies
Given that Batman: Arkham Knight [official site] is not yet back on sale, after publishers Warner Bros. pulled it from stores due to shonky performance, it's no surprise that its DLC is being delayed. That is, however, now official. While next week will bring Batgirl and her own brand of Batbiffing to console versions in the Batgirl: A Matter of Family DLC, it's delayed indefinitely on PC.
Warner Bros. have apologised again for the game's shoddy state. "We are taking full responsibility for releasing a product that did not meet our quality standards", they say. "We are modifying the internal review process for all of our games," they say. As they jolly well should.
Yesterday's update from WB on the state of the PC version explains that they're still plugging away on fixes. "Once the PC version is fully updated, Rocksteady and all parties will agree that it meets a superior quality bar and we will then make the game available for sale," they say.
"Our continued focus on getting the right PC fixes in place for the main game has had an impact on the development of all DLC content for the PC version of the game. This means that the Batman: Arkham Knight – Batgirl: A Matter of Family DLC will not be available on July 14th for those who are currently playing the PC version of the game. We apologize for the delay and only want to make sure that any content that we offer is up to the standards that PC players expect."
Here, have a look at what Batgirl will get up to... at some point: