Battle Royale With Cheese: Bloody Good Time
You remember Outerlight? Creator of ahead-of-its-time Multiplayer sleuth-assassin game The Ship, who you suspect is influential on both SpyParty and Assasin's Creed: Brotherhood? Well, their new game Bloody Good Time was revealed at PAX and is bringing its 8-player multiplayer to Steam later in the year. It's another quirky multiplayer game, where a number of actors compete - murderously - to be cast in a film. As well as weapons (from standard to somewhat stranger - rat-bombs, frying pan) there's also the promise of environmental traps. It's even a little progressive, in that there's 50:50 ratio of male to female characters*. Except all the female characters are hot, so not that progressive really. The teaser trailer follows...
Hmm. While it's totally possible it could pull through by sheer chutzpah, it doesn't yet seem to demand your attention in the way that the Ship did. Hopefully there's more to it than can be compressed down into marketing buzz-points.
*The bloke in the middle is the director, who's presumably non-playable, pedant.