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Bloody Good Deal

UPDATE: Codes are yet to be sent out, while we investigate an issue that means they don't work in the US. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon and codes will go out later today.

You! You there! In the trousers and/or shorts and/or skirt and/or leggings and/or underwear! Do you want to buy Bloody Good Time for half-price? That being the latest game from Outerlight, makers of respected Half-Life mod The Ship. This one's Source-based, so all pretty and stuff, and features Murder Most Horrid at the hands of warring wannabe film-stars. It's a 'toonish slasher pic, essentially. Details here.

Alas, it may be Outerlight's last too, as the studio is apparently clinging to life by a thread whilst it waits for royalties to arrive. If you feel like chucking a bob or two their way and/or want to play their comedy assassination multiplayer game, you might as well do it at minimal expense to yourself. To whit, by saving 50% off the Steam version of the game (though you have to buy it via Ubi's webshop, confusingly) - which means you get it for £2/$2.50 rather than £4/$5.

The first 900 readers to fill out the below form get a code. You should also click-forth to see what the game's like, if you don't already know. I.e. don't snaffle discount codes that could go to someone else if this ain't your kind of thing, greedy.

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So, do you want a bloomin' code or don't you? Just do this.

Update: all over! Sorry/thanks/you're wonderful.

It'll be shut down once we hit the magic 900. We did have 1000, but the first 100 have been duly sent out to RPS subscribers, because they're the most wonderful people in all the world.

Here's some more videos for you, too:

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