The Forever War: Battlefield 1942 Is Free
I've got bad news for a certain, uh, vocal portion of our readership: you might have a reason to not completely hate Origin. I'm kidding myself - obviously you'll hate Origin no matter what forever and ever. I know you, young man. But you'll still go and get your free copy of Battlefield 1942, blessed with the fine price of no-pennies in honour of its 10th anniversary, even while loudly decrying the entire system. THE INTERNET.
The entire BF lineage is 10 years old in fact, and while Battlefield 3 might be DICE's current going concern the first, World War II-set game, 1942, is very much still alive and well. After this, even more so. I long ago lost the little sticker with my install key for the game, so I'm damn well taking advantage of this, I tell you what.
I'll also be very interested to see what this does to the game's community - I'm expecting a pretty huge resurgence, to be honest with you. It remains a great game. Wake Island4EVA.
Yes, Mister No Never How Dare They Pants, you do need Origin installed or to install it to get this. I haven't established if it contains any, all or none of the expansions, but I'll update this post once I know.
Or maybe I'll just keep you hanging, much like that I
Update: nope, looks like just the base game. And it really doesn't look bad for a decade old, either. Wouldn't mind some more shadows, though.
Update update: If you're struggling to find the download, check the 'demos' section of Origin. Obv.