Bethesda, You Flippin' Betta
'Tis the day for impressively strange videos. This time, it's a man requesting that Bethesda make a new Elder Scrolls. Requesting via the medium of rap.
You probably think it's going to be rubbish, and amateurish, and oppressively nerdy. You're wrong. Well, mostly.
The bit where it segues into a looped sample of the Oblivion theme is genuinely remarkable. If this doesn't lead to tears rolling down the cheeks of the devs who are surely, surely working on future Elder Scrolls projects right now, nothing can.
I totally agree with him, by the way. Fallout 3/NV leave me cold, but Oblivion was largely mega (acting/character models aside) and Morrowind was double-plus-ultra-mega. I would totally go for a new Elder Scrolls right now. New engine though, please. Please.