Meet angsty Ellen Page and her spooky ghostpal in the Beyond: Two Souls demo
Following the PC debut of Heavy Rain earlier this week, developers Quantic Dream are now offering a demo slice of their next former-PlayStation-exclusive, Beyond: Two Souls. This is the one where Ellen Page plays a teenager with a spooky ghostpal that gets her into all sorts of scrapes, not to mention a wacky government programme overseen by the Green Goblin himself, Willem Dafoe. The one where, after the relatively magic-free Heavy Rain, Quantic Dream went all-in on spirits and demons and Native Americans because of course Native Americans have to be involved thanks David Cage oh god the writing remains awful. But it is fun to wreck a teen's birthday party as an angsty dickhead.
You can download the demo from the Epic Games Store. It visits Ellen Page's character, Jodie Holmes, at two points in her spooky life. Quantic Dream explain:
- Join a very young Jodie as she takes part in an experiment at the Department of Paranormal Activities. While officials put her abilities to the test, you take charge of a mysterious, invisible entity.
- Skip forward a number of years and you need to help Jodie escape the clutches of government agents as the mysterious entity unleashes its truly astonishing powers.
The full game will hit Epic's store on July 22nd, priced at £16.
For those of you keeping track, yes, this is the game which got Ellen Page's lawyers curious about how the game launched with an "unapproved nude version" of her likeness.
After this, we'll be brought up to date on Quantic Dream with the release of Detroit: Become Human in autumn. That's the one using sapient androids in clumsy allegory for slavery and racism the USA, which David Cage has the gall or stupidity to say is just about robots and nothing else okay. It too squanders its expensive potential but I do like one third of it all, the story about a wacky robot who's a total buzzkill nerd. Bless your narc heart, Connor.