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Black Prophecy: Tactics Launches Beta Broadside

Or, to give the new game its full title, Black Prophecy Tactics: Nexus Conflict. This was its own project until fairly recently - simply Nexus Conflict - but now this game of online capital ships has become a multiplayer RTS spin-off from F2P space MMO, Black Prophecy. Hence, Black Prophecy Tactics: Nexus Conflict. Got all that? Right, good, because the beta for this RTS is taking sign ups. In it you'll pilot a gigantic battleship and duke it out with other players in heavyweight star-sluggery. There's also a conquest meta-game, with player teams fighting over 22 conquerable regions of the galactic map.

Possibly unrepresentative trailer with long sequences of capital ships pounding each other, below.

I'm rewatching Battlestar Galactica at the moment, and it made me realise that the series never did have enough big toe-to-toe engagements between the big ships. Which is a shame, because they were highlights when they did occur. Perhaps that's called "pacing" or something. TV needs that, rather than transmitting 40-minutes of continuous battleship thrashing. That's videogames' job...

Watch on YouTube

They should totally have tied this into Black Prophecy itself, EVE/Dust-style, and had the factional conquest stuff that takes place here be reflected in how things are run and governed in the main MMO, giving advantages to different factions and so on. Okay, I don't really know enough about BP to really say if that would work at the high level, but it's worth a thought, eh?

Speaking of space, have you seen these amazing images?

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