Boom And B(D)ust: From Dust Dev Diary
I know why you guys read RPS. It's for the artisan-quality headlines. Admit it! There's no shame in it. I personally have a first-class Journalism degree, which I bought at the Khaosan Road in Bangkok for a song.
A new developer diary has been released for From Dust, the terrain-sculpting puzzle game that tasks you with protecting a tiny tribe who love huge masks. The game's looking plenty impressive, so if you haven't had a look at it in motion yet then you're in for a pleasant surprise. I'd also like to give thanks to this trailer for reminding me of the Yemeni island of Socotra, which I've been trying to remember the name of for years.
I also misheard the video as saying "The Central Sahara, with its otherworldly doomscapes." Which is way better than what it actually says.