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Call Of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land Has Risen

Having already existed on magical futurephones, Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land is a bit of an old one but that's par for the course when you're dealing with Lovecraftian horror. The turn-based tactics should actually be a better fit for the PC, as the intimate nature of the squad-based trenchtacle combat often made unit and target selection somewhat problematic on a small phone touchscreen. Imagine poking the wrong bit and actually calling Cthulhu by mistake. He's in a totally different timezone to you and now you've woken him up and he's got a face like thunder. The game is available now through the Intel AppUp store, priced at $4.99/€4.09/£3.50. I'll investigate in due course. Launch trailer below.

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The warbly radio reminds me of this, which is in many ways like listening to a ghost.

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