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Call of Duty: World At War: Hands On And Chat-talk

This is turning into a link-to-stuff-we've done day, I know. Apologies, but the last minute organisation (i.e. All the organisation) for this evening's Thinkosium is devouring the day. Still - here's the freshly published piece I wrote for Eurogamer where I interviewed Producer Noah Heller and wrote a little about my impressions. Since I wrote it, the Zombie game mode has been confirmed with footage on the Gametrailers show. However, as is the wont of internet tykes, someone's ripped out the section of the show and stuck it on youtube. And it's that I'm linking to beneath the cut.

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Zombies in serious WW2 game then. Some people are saying tasteless. Some people are saying tasteless... yet awesome. I'm saying CHRIST! I STILL NEED TO SORT OUT MIKES FOR THIS THING! AND WHERE CAN I GET CARBON PAPER!?!?!

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