Hey, It's A Call of Duty Trailer
I know! Who'd have thought that there would be another Call Of Duty game. And that they would advertise its existence with miniaturised motion pictures on the internet! Well, dowse your incredulity and set course for hyperbole island, because below the jump is a trailer for the fifth Call of Duty game. World At War, for that is its entirely generic subtitle, is a World War II game, and it's being developed by Treyarch, who did Call Of Duty 3. And it actually got announced last month or something, but we were busy looking out of the window to bother mentioning it. The details that have emerged so far is that there will be four-player co-op and "swimming elements". It should be out later this year. For Christmas, probably.
Jungles, crashing planes, dudes getting chopped with big knives: it's one of those videogames we all know and love.
I'm still more excited about the new Brothers In Arms. I am SO slightly-left-of-mainstream.