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Canabalt Developer Forms Game Studio, Makes All Games

Announces new game Overland

Adam Saltsman is probably known to you as the creator of Canabalt, the infinite runner with the fabulous glass-smashing sound. He and fellow developer Rebekah Saltsman are now setting up a studio, Finji, to bring together their many game projects under a single name. That includes Overland, a collaboration with Shay Pierce; Portico, a turn-based sorta-tower-defence-ish game previously called Grave; Capsule, a really neat, extremely difficult space game about asphyxiation which you can buy right now; and Night in the Woods, the Kickstarter funded adventure game from Alec Holowka, which Finji are helping publish.

Pssht. Lazy.

Although Saltsman is best known for Canabalt, he's worked on projects including "FEZ, Hundreds, Old Spice Saves the World, The Hunger Games: Girl on Fire, Alphabet, [and] Gravity Hook". Which is a lot of games. They're using the money from their previous contract work to fund the creation of Finji and development of its games.

Overland is maybe the game that's most interesting right now, purely because it's the one we know the least about. It's a turn-based, tactical survival game, and the teaser site contains only a single piece of artwork.

Capsule is maybe the game that's most interesting right now, purely because it's the one you can go play immediately. When I played it last year, I found it sort of grim, lonely, and slightly claustrophobic, like Captain Forever without the cathartic loop of combat and self-improvement. It's pretty cool.

Portico is maybe the game that's most interesting right now, because the screenshot has a nice, vibrant green in it, plus oranges, purples, some red. I'm not being facetious, this makes me want to play it.

There's more info to be found on the Finji annnouncement post and their weekly development tumblr.

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