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C&C: Exposition Wars

To placate angry fans, Command & Conquer 3's Executive Producer (now there's a title which, in film-land at least, means nothing, apart from 'gets to swim in all the money') Mike Verdu has posted on the official forums apologising for inconsistencies in the game's plot in context to the C&C 'universe', and pledging to fix them ASAP.

The degree to which men can obsess over insignificant details fascinates me at the best of times (though admittedly, I'm just as bad, being able to name what year each of the 50-odd versions of Optimus Prime was released in off the top of my head). But complaining about inconsistencies in perhaps the most deliberately silly RTS of all time? I honestly can't believe there's guys who take its plot seriously. You're supposed to laugh at it - I did. Man, I really enjoyed C&C 3 for its over-the-top ease and big, happy dumbness, but anal trolls taking it too seriously makes me wonder if I was looking at it entirely wrong.

Oh, and the kind of stuff they're bitching about? "A video briefing sequence in C&C 3 identifies the date as 2028, but that is inconsistent with the 2030 date set out in TS: Firestorm." Glad you're putting your passion for protest into a worthy cause, guys.

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