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CD Projekt Red's New RPG: Cyberpunk

EXCITING UPDATE: It's a AAA RPG of Cyberpunk, the pen and paper RPG. It is being made by Witcher and Witcher 2 veterans. They're saying stuff like "Advanced RPG mechanics" and "mature content". Customisable characters, different classes. Lots of weapons. Non-linear. "Cutting edge looking game". And also "not a game for everybody, for mature audiences."

Cyberpunk RPG's creator Mike Pondsmith is there, talking about it: "I love Bladerunner, I love that kind of future." Yeah. That's the stuff.

ORIGINAL STORY: The mystery sci-fi game from The Witcher devs CD Projekt Red is about to be announced over here. I'll get more details up here as they arrive. All we have so far is the teaser image of a punk with techno-glasses and a gun (above) and the knowledge that it will be some kind of cyberpunkian thing.

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