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City Of Titans Gathers Titanic Cash Wad

Money Of Heroes

There's only one MMO I've had more fun with that City Of Heroes, and that particular glorious space bastard ate five years of my life. Heroes, meanwhile, ate a summer and most of the sleep I should have had in that season. I played and played, and didn't do any work. It was fantastic. It was with some glee, then, that I saw the City of Titans Kickstarter had hit its mark, and moved on to the stretch goals (weirdest things about Kickstarter, if you ask me). This means that the game will (or at least should) see the light of day, and that there will be an android version of the character builder. That might sound like an odd thing to promise, but the hero builder was by far the most entertaining aspect of the original game, and I am fairly sure everyone who played it had an army of characters they made but never had time to play. Yes, it was that good.

I love that the company behind this is called "Missing Worlds Media" - totally designed to evoke the idea of a company who can bring the dead worlds of fallen games back to life.

Sigh. Memories.

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