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Meet Frankensteined World Leader In Civilization V Mod

Aussie Aussie Aussie!

The inimitable forces behind Colonialist Legacies have gone and Frankenstein-ed together something audaciously lovely: a fully animated, fully voiced 3D leader screen for their Civilization V mod pack. It's Australia's Henry Parkes and he didn't make his grand entrance on the Internet alone. No, the esteemed gentleman is just one part of their new and improved Australia mod.

Not that this isn't a fan-made 3D leader screen isn't an amazing accomplishment onto itself. As co-creator TPangolin explains on Reddit, the creation process is quite arduous. To begin with, there's apparently no way to add custom animations.

"Parkes is essentially a creation made from assets of other leaders. His build and base animations are based off Bismarck, he's stolen Pedro's suit, and additionally he's got a haircut very similar to that of Alexander. The textures have just been edited so much that he no longer resembles Bismarck. Another hard part was to write a script for our VA that has the same amount of syllables that Bismarck says in-game."

TPangolin added, "It's hoped that by releasing this leaderscreen, it will encourage others to come to the Civilization V modding scene to take a stab at creating their own leaderheads."

Who would have thought that the VO would be the easiest part of the whole darn thing? If you're a fan of Civilization V, Colonialist Legacies is definitely worth keeping an eye on. Thus far, it has put together about ten diverse civilizations, all of which have been Pretty Darn Exciting. You can already download the improved version of the Australia mod. But, you know what? That’s not the most important piece of news. The most vital piece of information is this: Malaysia is apparently planned for sometime next month?! Woohoo, home team! Malaysia boleh!

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