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Clickuorice Allsorts: Why Steve Gaynor makes games

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The most recent two episodes of the Designer Notes podcast is well worth listening to if you're interested in game development. In it, podcast creator (and Civilization IV designer) Soren Johnson interviews Steve Gaynor, co-founder of Fullbright Company and designer of Tacoma. Designer Notes is a podcast about "why we make games," and typically charts a designer's career, from the first game they played, to how they got started in the industry and how they ended up wherever they are now. In Steve Gaynor's case, parts one and two cover early forays into level design, working on a FEAR expansion, joining the BioShock 2 team, designing Minerva's Den, going indie to make Gone Home, and finally the challenges of making Tacoma. Check out the podcast's archives for lots more, too - the Amy Hennig episodes are particularly great.

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