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Coming Soon: The Witcher 2, 2

You couldn't wish for a vaguer statement, but when it comes to what may well prove to be the year's best RPG, talk of a 'new and improved PC version 2.0' is EXCITING TALK. This news comes from the end of a noodly, AOR music video featuring some silly rocker put out by CD Projekt RED late last week. Most of the video is Geralt striking a pose, but the end boasts of the upcoming 360 port - and a major new patch for the PC version, dubbed version 2.0.

I have no details for you than that, but at a guess it will involve bringing the various tweaks, updates and newosity from the console edition into the PC original. Win-win, hopefully. You can watch the music video below, if you must.

Watch on YouTube


More details on this should be coming out of Gamescom, by the sound of it. I'm off out there next week, and will endeavour to return with detail-booty.

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