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Command & Conquer Dev Diary Explains Things

Electronic Arts and Victory Games send word of one of those explanatory videos, where serious people talk about how games are made. Specifically how the forthcoming Command & Conquer gets made. It all seems pretty exciting, and no one appears glum says "well, we go into this big glass building every day, and eventually a game happens." In fact, this video makes the work of just building a single RTS unit seem a bit like putting a man into space, with lots of people and technology in which things spin and explode. (But just on a computer screen of course.)

Sign ups for the new C&C beta are taking place on the site, if that's your cup of tiberium.

I was going to use this sentence to link to our preview of the game, but it seems like we haven't actually done a preview of it. Which is odd, because I thought we had. Memory going. Must be getting old.

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