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Commenting on RPS: 3 Golden Rules

Hello! A polite notice for you: while we're very proud of the community on RPS (which is most certainly smarter than the average bear), one of the reasons for it is that we regularly assassinate certain kinds of comment. Sometimes, people are baffled and/or outraged that this has happened. So, for the record: we do that, we always have done, we always will and you can't talk us out of it. No mercy. However, if you follow these three simple rules your words shall most likely be safe:

1) Don't insult anyone, whether they're an RPS writer, reader or anyone else whether present or not. If you can't make your argument without insults, it simply isn't worth making. So the comment will be deleted.
2) Don't say meh/boring/yawn or any kind of words to that effect (this also includes 'old!' and related). If you don't care about the subject of a post, it's openly absurd that you've made the effort to comment on it instead of just moving on to a story you are interested in. So the comment will be deleted.
3) Don't reply to spam messages, no matter how hilarious you think you're being. When something slips through the net, we usually clean it up pretty quickly, so any replies to it are left floating and leave you looking like a mad'un. So the comment will be deleted.

That's all! Thanks for your time, and for your many interesting and entertaining comments past and future.

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