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Brainy: Cortex Command To Get Steam Release, Trailer

Cortex Command is a recipe book for robots fighting each other across a 2D landscape. It is brilliant, it is difficult, it is awkward, it is ludicrous and fantastic. It's one of my favourite indie projects - long hampered by tortuously slow development over many years - and I am pleased as punch that it is now about to find itself on that vast steambotic behemoth of a distribution platform. Data Realms have been working on the campaign setting quite intensively - we had a brief look at it some months back - and that's what will roll out with the 1.0 Steam version. There's a video detailing the new meta-game which is overlaid on to the familiar physics-heavy tactical game. Massive 40-minute preview video below, dominated by an explanation of the strategic game. Skip to around 35 mins for serious tactical action bit, although the dev's voice is getting drowned out a bit by that stage.

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