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Counter-Strike Global Offensive is 9 years old

Old enough to drink, if it had terrible parents

Valve's competitive first-person shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive turned nine years old today. It remains the most popular game on Steam - a little bigger than Dota 2, and around four times bigger than the 3rd and 4th placed games. Not bad, eh.

Not bad considering that Valve aren't exactly cramming Counter-Strike full of regular new maps and weapons. The anniversary was commemorated, for example, with just a tweet:

I played more of the original Counter-Strike and CS:Source than I have CSGO, but I remain enormously fond of every version of the game. If I wanted to dash around Dust or enjoy the feel of an Aug in my hand, it's CSGO I'd turn to.

For that reason, I stress that I don't want Valve to cram Counter-Strike with new stuff. It was thrilling to watch the original mod grow and change over successive betas, but it's not a hero shooter and it wasn't built as a foundation for perpetual updates. Instead it became clear early on that the game had hit upon a balance that didn't need constantly changing. There's a reason why both CS: Source and CSGO are in many ways remakes of Counter-Strike 1.0, and playing any version of the game feels to me like coming home.

Watch on YouTube

It's not like the game has been ignored, either. Valve are currently running a $1 million weapon skin design contest, and they launched a subscription stats tool back in May.

I once compared Counter-Strike's seemingly eternal rules to chess, and was rightly mocked by some magazine readers for it. But it's over ten years later, now, and Counter-Strike persists. Only approximately 500 years more to go until what I said makes sense, jerks!

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