CS:GO Goes To The Zoo, Zoo, Zoo, And You Can Come Too
More stats, more guns
Who let the dogs out? The answer is Valve Corporation, an American video game development and digital distribution company headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, United States. I feel I'm burning two jokes here (a pop music reference dated to the point of being cringeworthy, and a clearly-lifted-from-Wikipedia description) in a way that wastes them both, but let's roll with it. Operation Bloodhound has launched in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive [official site].
Operations Bloodhound brings new maps to CS:GO, with a lineup now on official matchmaking including one set in a zoo. A zoo! Plus more stats to track and more shiny weapons, obvs. But zoo!
Bloodhound has four new maps and two returning, which is nice and all but what about stats? Those juicy numbers everyone so adores. Arriving alongside Bloodhound is another stat to track in CS:GO, a 'Profile Rank' that levels up as you earn XP, looking fancier as you get higher and giving a weapon crate for your first level-up of each week.
That's all for everyone, but what about the $5.99 (£4) Operation Bloodhound Access Pass? (Go read our Wot I Think of Operation Vanguard, if this whole idea baffles you.) Along with the usual stat-tracking Challenge Coin and mission journal, it brings two new campaigns. Pass holders also get all their case drops from the Bloodhound collections. Might get yourself a fancy new folding falchion knife.
Counter-Strike used to be a lot less complicated.
Check the patch notes and Operation site and announcement for full deets on everything.
Did you catch the secret special third joke, by the way? Operation Bloodhound isn't not even dogs, or even one single dog, it's simply something named after a type of dog.
Smashed it.