Crusader Kings II: Reaper's Due DLC Bringing CAAATS!
Everything is better with cats
Paradox and Adam may tell you that the next Crusader Kings II [official site] expansion is about diseases tearing through medieval Europe, but no. The Reaper's Due is about cats. Lovely cats. Hunting dogs be damned, Reaper's Due will let characters befriend a cat - which naturally brings bonuses. Then... maybe a few more cats. All of the cats. Lovely, lovely cats. Get carried away and you might get the 'Crazy Cat Lady' trait. And then something something black death bad omens angry mob blah blah but look, the point is: cats. Oh, and the expansion now has a release date: August 25th.
A new dev diary explains that lucky Reaper's Due players may be befriended by a cat. This gives the 'Pet Cat' trait, which brings +1 health and +1 intrigue because cats make us better people in every day. Aaand then maybe you'll decide you want to save all of the cats everywhere and love them and hug them and oh gosh CATS! Become a Crazy Cat Lady and you'll get an even bigger Intrigue boost but also lose Diplomacy and General Opinion stats. It's not your fault if everyone else can't see the wisdom and joy in their little faces.
If rumours of plague ripple through the populus and cats become seen as a bad omen, well, you might face some difficult decisions as angry mobs form. But look at their little faces! In your heart, you know what's right.
Oh, yeah, and I guess The Reaper's Due will add epidemics and hospitals and physicians and royal seclusion and apocalyptic event chains... but mostly cats. Also other sorts of pets? But mostly cats. Who even cares, other pets?
As ever, a free update will launch alongside the paid DLC on August 25th. Paradox give an overview of the main features, which include tweaks to how alliances work, optimisations, and "New custom rules options at start up for epidemics, invasions, legal changes and so on, so you get the Middle Ages that you want."
But caaats! Look at this sweet little idiot: