Crytek & Epic's Tastes Of Tomorrow
Jim, John and Nathan are all out at GDC for RPS right now, but the lack of any news from them so far leads me to presume they are all either dead, kidnapped, hungover, hiding or trapped inside a branch of The Cheesecake Factory. So, while I've not been out there to see and thus usefully report on any of the following myself, I can at least once again do what is approximately 19% of my daily job, and resize video embed code to fit on our website.
This time it's looks at what we can expect from Crytek's Cryengine 3 and Epic's Unreal don't-call-it-4 Engine 4. I think you'll all agree that Golfzon (above) is what we most want from the game engines of tomorrow. And if you don't, some of the other stuff in there might well be more to your tastes.
Both are having their wares touted out at the show right now, so we should look at these in the context of their being about convincing developers to spend thousands on them rather than in terms of how much they reflect games we'll be playing soon. Even so, potentially telling stuff, potentially not-entirely-relevant-to-Johnny/Joanna Average-PC-gamer stuff. Unless you have 24 GeForce Titans.
Here's Crytek. Some of these look super-good, others look a little guff and one has an almost-bare bottom in it. Oh, videogames, will you never learn?
And here's a laughably small and slightly unconvincing-but-who-knows slice of Unreal Not-4:
Spotted via PC Gamer. I bet they've got a bunch of GeForce Titans :(
I mustn't be cross about it though - today is, after all, International Stop Hating Things Day.