Crysis 2 Will Go Up To 11
After a couple of weeks of web-wide worrying and shouting and bickering and excellently satirical editorials, you may be glad to hear that Crysis 2 is to receive its in-doubt DirectX 11 patch after all. This comes via the official forums, wherein it was officially said on an official forum, despite being officially said on other official forums that it mightn't happen. That seals it: all is well in PC gaming tech land. For now.
There's no release date, which is heartening - means it's more likely it's something substantial rather than token. "We are working to get the best out of DX11, so we’ll wait to announce the features until a little closer to release," is all we have.
I have a DirectX 11 card at present, but I haven't ever run anything on it that made me think/exclaim "ooh! DirectX 11 is the nuts!", but perhaps this will. Jolly good, then. I do hear good things about DX11's theoretical capabilities, but as I understand it there remains a sad dearth of content. If we have proof of its excellency, perhaps we can then get fully behind it.