Dan & Ben Got Smarter: Time Gentlemen, Please
There's a little bit of news about Ben There, Dan That follow-up, Time Gentlemen, Please. The indie adventure shocked everyone last year when it turned out someone from PC Zone was funny. (Ha ha!) And rather a lot too - Zombie Cow's point-n-clicker showed really smart design along with properly hilarious jokes. The sequel was intended to be a little bonus extra, and has somehow become a full-size game bigger than the original.
Following the tweeting of ZC's Dan Marshall (also a freelance games journalist - brrrrr, terrible sort) has revealed that enormous amounts of work have gone into the improved graphics, and specifically into making sure the puzzles are completely top notch. More mysterious is the "EmotionsEngine", which apparently, "shows whether Dan and Ben are happy, grumpy or relatively indifferent to a scene."
It's also going to contain particle effects. I think that's an instant pre-order. That's if they get to release before Al Murray and Richard Herring sue them into outerspace for the name.
There's a mailing list to sign up to for more details on the game's site, and while you're there, bloody well give Zombie Cow some money, will you?