Size 5 "Probably" Making New Ben & Dan
Despite cancelling third Ben and Dan game Revenge of the Balloon-Headed Mexican, Size Five Games (formerly Zombie Cow) have begun design-drafting a new adventure starring their foul-minded/mouthed point'n'click avatars. Or, at least, they've gone down the pub and brainstormed and even made a bunch of ideas and puzzles, ending up with something which might just turn into a full game. The Swindle remains project no.1, but happily we might be in for more crudified Lucasartsesque merriment too. It even has a codename: SOBAD.
Dan Marshall reveals the state of play on his forum here, from which I slovenly quote below:
The question of questions: "SO: will we release it? Probably. I'm not sure how long it'll take, or how much time I've got to dedicate to it (The Swindle is my job, this is just for giggles for when that gets boring) and there's now a LOT to do. But insofar as avoiding what made Revenge of the Balloon-Headed Mexican disappointing and problematic, I'm pretty happy we've managed that."
Want to see a sequel to Time Gentlemen, Please? Better show your enthusiasm below and hope it reduces Mr Marshall to tears of utmost joy.